Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Where Do You OHSO? Givaway

Where Do You OHSO?
Tell us your best OHSO story and win a set of his and her OHSO Travel Toothbrushes. Awards go to the top five entries.
Send your story and picture to and visit the Blog where you can see other entries.


Fit for a Soldier
Somewhere in Iraq

"I am currently deployed to Iraq and it is so convenient to not have to juggle with brush, holder and toothpaste tube when walking to and from the bathroom facilities. "


On the Road
San Antonio, TX
"I don't always know where my music will take me, but I know that my OHSO will keep my breath fresh wherever I am."
--Steve Sonic,
When Words Attack! / 22 Veins


Party Nights
Converse, TX
"After a long night of drinking I like to wake up in the morning with fresh breath. Thank you OHSO!"
When Words Attack!


On the Set
Converse, TX

"I use my toothbrush on set. Go Ohso!"
--Cindy Osbourne

Life in the Big City

New York City, NY

"I never go anywhere without my OHSO. I even bring it with me when I go out for a night on the town. You never know when you might need to freshen up."

The Bartender Knows

Austin, TX
"In my line of work, fresh breath and cleanliness is essential. My OHSO makes it very convenient."

Fresh Sales
Austin, TX

Selling Real Estate for Avalar Austin can keep me quite busy during the day, not to mention away from my home & office. When I've been showing homes all day & still need to write up a contract in the corner of some neighborhood coffee shop, all I have to do is whip my trusty Ohso out of my purse - & goodbye coffee breath!

Work Smart
Kyle, TX
"Yeah, I brush my teeth at work... You got som'm to say about it?!"

OHSO at the Top of the World
Austin, Texas

The last time I was in Washington State my brother and I decided to climb Mount Pilchuck in near the Mt. Baker National Forest. It was a beautiful clear day and from the summit we could see Seattle to the South, Canada to the North, and Washington's Puget Sound and the Pacific Ocean to the West. I realized I had my OHSO in the back pack so I took that opportunity to do a "ceremonial brushing" on what felt like the top of the world.

In The Spot Light: Chelsea is a promotional model and she is used to being the center of attention. While on assignment, she has to be on top of her game. So when she gets the opportunity for a quick brush, she takes it, because it's a positive reflection on her.

On The Test Track: Gracieli got to test drive the upcoming OHSO Presto. She found it had excellent handling, styling, and economy. She doesn't really brush her teeth while driving, but she did discover that OHSO fits handily in her VW Beetle's vase holder.

At School: Andrea is a high school student with a brand new set of braces that need a lot of attention. "Yeah, I have to brush, like five times a day..."

On the Flip Flop: Amber is always on the go. To her friends and family she is a blur. Dashing from work to happy hour to the beach and back to work again, she never leaves her OHSO behind. If you are lucky enough to catch up to Amber, watch out, her smile will stop you in your tracks.

On a Smooth Surface: Jake's MySpace page says, "i am a pretty rad guy, i like to skate. the ladies rev my engine. i got the best friends ever." With good friends, a clean grill, and a long smooth ride, what more do you need?

Coffee Space: Lisa likes cozy cyber cafes where she can sip coffee and chat on line. She always brings along her OHSO for any impromptu meetings with friends.


Anonymous said...

Selling Real Estate for Avalar Austin can keep me quite busy during the day, not to mention away from my home & office. When I've been showing homes all day & still need to write up a contract in the corner of some neighborhood coffee shop, all I have to do is whip my trusty Ohso out of my purse - & goodbye coffee breath!

Fresh Sales
Austin, TX

Lisa said...

Yeah, I brush my teeth at work... You got som'm to say about it?!

Lisa H.

Kyle, TX

Anonymous said...

I have to admit, it is fun to whip out my OHSO in front of friends to brush my teeth. They all want one too. ;)

Rocky said...

I appreciate the labour you have put in developing this blog. Nice and informative.